The theory to explain everything, the big bang theory, string theory, sigularity, M theory, membrane, 11th dimension, multiverse...our universe could be just one bubble floating in the ocean with other bubbles.
巴喆 2012-02-19
Feline 2012-01-25
It reveals Deleuze's time: the real= the actual+ the virtual, other versions of me may not actually exist but co-exist in the form of virtual, as the choices I had never made
Freeee 2012-08-27
啊哈~ 世界真奇妙 平行宇宙还能解释宇宙大爆炸的起源。。
弥呀 2012-04-08
The theory to explain everything, the big bang theory, string theory, sigularity, M theory, membrane, 11th dimension, multiverse...our universe could be just one bubble floating in the ocean with other bubbles.
巴喆 2012-02-19
Feline 2012-01-25
It reveals Deleuze's time: the real= the actual+ the virtual, other versions of me may not actually exist but co-exist in the form of virtual, as the choices I had never made
亲爱的我啦~ 2011-12-23
somnambuleNRR6 2011-07-21
Kaku君的冰上舞姿不错啊~ (¯﹃¯) 11维理论超出其著作的10维论,人类所知仍太少。
早介 不高兴地 2011-06-28
Joy 2011-04-12
Gale 2010-04-14
john vin 2009-10-07