
出柜在东柏林:同性恋者在东德 (2013)

  • 别名:Out in East Berlin - Lesbians and Gays in the GDR
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出柜在东柏林:同性恋者在东德原名:Out in Ost-Berlin - Lesben und Schwule in der DDR,又名Out in East Berlin - Lesbians and Gays in the GDR

In 1968, paragraph 175, which made homosexual behavior punish able by law was abolished in the German Democratic Republic. At first homosexuality was considered a negligible issue in 'real existing socialism'. The nuclear family constituted the center of social society. »Out in East Berlin« tells the various, impressive-to-absurd personal histories of *** men and lesbians durin...

发布于2013年。由约亨·希克、Andreas Strohfeldt执导,并且由编剧约亨·希克、Andreas Strohfeldt携幕后团队创作。

小易甫 2015-05-03
