****, every character except the wife in this film is so lame. The chain of events in this film is unbelievable, to say the least, and the casting of Christopher Reeves for the lead felt wrong. Morgan Freeman, however, is the real star of the film. Truly impressive performance.
Grawlix 2023-08-28
****, every character except the wife in this film is so lame. The chain of events in this film is unbelievable, to say the least, and the casting of Christopher Reeves for the lead felt wrong. Morgan Freeman, however, is the real star of the film. Truly impressive performance.
推子Jimmy仔 2022-02-19
Accord Honda 2020-12-19
开局不错,后续故事逐渐拉垮,女二和男主感情戏太过随意,反思传媒的暗线莫名消失。女二挂掉,弗里曼小弟反水手刃老大的情节令人无语。摩根弗里曼诠释的fast 哥,喜怒无常,心狠手辣,相当令人侧目。
百草味 2020-08-08
[] 2020-03-01
[奥斯卡]花街传奇.Street Smart(1987)国语
feelzero 2020-02-05
To get even he must get STREET SMART
发际线靠后 2020-01-19
秦诺诺 2012-04-30
鳗鱼 2009-12-10
guyu-如沐春风 2008-02-28
2008年2月28日 燕园421 A golan-globus production 故事与故事后的真相或许根本就是一体