海啸 杀人浪 12-01
国家地理百年纪念典藏33:非洲野生动物 12-02
巴拿马生态 12-01
加拉帕哥鬣蜥 12-02
飞越非洲 05-20
西班牙之魂 05-20
好马一族 11-03
749局 12-06
僵尸100:在成为僵尸前要做的100件事 11-07
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女囚风暴1995 10-12
愤怒的地球原名:World's Most Amazing Videos: Nature Fury,
The savage fury of nature is vividly profiled in this video from National Geographic. Focusing on earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods--including the San Francisco quakes of 1906 and 1989 and Hurricane Andrew, which ravaged southern Florida in 1992--the production features terrifying footage shot during natural disasters as well as interviews filmed with survivors. Fi...
字母君 2018-03-12
IMDb有误~应该是这个 ****://docuwiki****/index.php?title=Nature%27s_Fury 灾难集锦,估计就是这一系列片子让我变得总是杞人忧天的……