光荣的迷惑原名:Glory Daze,
It s two days before graduation, and Jack is having serious doubts about the future. The old gang is breaking up - Rob is moving to L.A. with his girlfriend; Dennis is finishing his third degree and going to grad school in Michigan; Slosh has dropped out of school and stays drunk all the time; and Mickey, who still has a year of school to go, seems tired of the scene and wishes...
管杀员 2024-02-28
大本的丧*气质真是从一而终(不是),麦嘿和山洛威居然在意想不到的地方同框了!该说马修太显成熟还是山姆太显小,翻了下发现山姆居然比马修大整整一岁零一天! 电影本身也还行,考古**大咖年轻时拍的超低画质青春校园片常有意外之喜,大多是教迷茫的年轻人勇敢向前走,挺有现实意义的
韩程 2020-12-16
就是小混混的兄弟团,学期末到最后分别的故事。 主要是来看大叔们当年年轻时的模样。三星吧
Anarchy 2020-06-21
因为我对业余电影的偏爱,young,stupid and unattached
TKeiko 2020-04-03
Sherrill 2020-04-03
touya 2017-11-14
现在看这样的卡司真的很**了~故事很简单,依然是年轻人面临人生新起点的小挣扎,五个人各有各的困境,但无论遇到什么,即使前方依然未知和艰难,始终都要move on,看开,放手,向前走。
迷你 2014-08-01
年轻真好,但,是时候该说再见然后move on了。