非完整版。现代女性艺术家中印象深刻的一位,对身体的运用生猛如火山,这部硬桥硬*****画面却有种**的质感,也许是和树叶的蒙太奇、叠化或干脆就是胶片的斑痕,或许我们的记忆也是这样,模糊的轮廓中一点清晰的印痕。想起陈张翻译的俳句“猫猫暖暖**”,史尼曼自己说the intimacy of the lovemaking... And I wanted to put into that materiality of film the energies of the body, so that the film itself dissolves and recombines and is transparent and dense--as one feels during lovemaking...
索里提亚 2024-05-08
生意. 2023-10-09
可溶化的鱼 2023-10-06
小や 2022-02-12
***片–what can be better than this?
戈尔贡佐拉 2022-01-30
真的不赖 实验性也强 溶解** 蓝色**像根*就是
censored dump 2022-01-18
非完整版。现代女性艺术家中印象深刻的一位,对身体的运用生猛如火山,这部硬桥硬*****画面却有种**的质感,也许是和树叶的蒙太奇、叠化或干脆就是胶片的斑痕,或许我们的记忆也是这样,模糊的轮廓中一点清晰的印痕。想起陈张翻译的俳句“猫猫暖暖**”,史尼曼自己说the intimacy of the lovemaking... And I wanted to put into that materiality of film the energies of the body, so that the film itself dissolves and recombines and is transparent and dense--as one feels during lovemaking...
游离状态 2011-11-01
一小片 2011-09-01
HILO 2008-03-18
一"一 2008-02-09
**………… 正经说是以及重拍的影像,呈现**的情景。冷不丁出现的ball特写让人映像深刻。