Even though Ms. Silverman insisted not being overinterpreted, her eloquent, blunt wittiness still made her sound deep. Thanks for the beam of bravery into ** darkness of anxiety. 'We all are products of how we were raised.'
云仔麵綫 2017-06-04
How many unfinished jokes have you pinned aside Sarah! (facepalm
丸山三好 2023-12-07
椒盐豆豉 2022-11-25
前面还蛮好笑的,姐姐在厕所那个段子笑死。后面就感觉有点 lost 了。
やま 2021-10-23
hhhhhh好喜欢!喜欢她突然开始meta analyze自己的笑话👍
Virgil 2019-09-15
Jay 2018-04-11
**動物 2017-11-14
太慢热,看一半瞌睡流~HD 1080P 17/11/13
名字特别酷的人 2017-06-18
我天sarah和michael sheen还在一起呢,这回真的好长时间了… 啊,彩蛋让人想飙泪!
cocoon 2017-06-06
Even though Ms. Silverman insisted not being overinterpreted, her eloquent, blunt wittiness still made her sound deep. Thanks for the beam of bravery into ** darkness of anxiety. 'We all are products of how we were raised.'
云仔麵綫 2017-06-04
How many unfinished jokes have you pinned aside Sarah! (facepalm
杜鹏 2017-06-02
整体上来讲太过于隔靴搔痒 不过那句"你如果真的相信上帝 干嘛不让他**嘴里"差点笑死我