粉丝向。"I don’t think I’m super good at earnestness. I don’t think I always trust the simplicity of something sometimes, and I’m trying to get better at that. I found the **** I’ve worked as an actor, the **** I find myself nailed the back to ** seat by performances that contain a lot of vulnerability in them.I appreciate a very naked performance. It’s hard to strip yourself down and trust that level of simplicity, just trust your own humanity."
自动隐身下线 2019-10-29
yu人buyu558 2017-08-24
Chicology 2012-12-25
Helena Bonham Carter跟诺顿**《fight club》的时候,她说凭她做演员的经验她给诺顿的建议是for acting,when you are standing,if you could sit down,sit down;if you could lie down,lie down~
羽毛鲁滨 2020-07-24
粉丝向。"I don’t think I’m super good at earnestness. I don’t think I always trust the simplicity of something sometimes, and I’m trying to get better at that. I found the **** I’ve worked as an actor, the **** I find myself nailed the back to ** seat by performances that contain a lot of vulnerability in them.I appreciate a very naked performance. It’s hard to strip yourself down and trust that level of simplicity, just trust your own humanity."
自动隐身下线 2019-10-29
yu人buyu558 2017-08-24
Chicology 2012-12-25
Helena Bonham Carter跟诺顿**《fight club》的时候,她说凭她做演员的经验她给诺顿的建议是for acting,when you are standing,if you could sit down,sit down;if you could lie down,lie down~
CC 2012-11-16
五月. 2012-05-21
耄 2012-02-09
好羞射好矜持啊>/////////< 真是受过高等教育的内敛的好孩纸。。诺叔电影都看过后再看此访谈 感触会比较深=v= 我自认是**粉
x 2011-10-24
jo 2010-08-04
小诺同学是个looking for complication的孩子,赞同他对自己的评价
ming 2009-01-11